Thursday, December 09, 2004

Why do Republicans Hate America so Much?

So, Don Rumsfeld goes to talk to our boys in uniform and one of them has the fucking AUDACITY to ask why he and his mates have to crawl through Iraqi garbage dumps to get scrap metal to armor their vehicles. The DOD isn't, it turns out, doing much in the way of protecting our troops.
Rumsfeld responds by essentially saying "Hey, you never get to go to war with the perfect army, so you go with the one you do have." Which, translated, means "You fucktards are on your own. This whole thing is YOUR fault."
That's right, Il Douche, BLAME THE TROOPS. That's just like a Republican. I'm getting pretty sick of them laying everything on our brave boys and girls in uniform. Rumsfuck must have some leftover feelings for his old buddy Saddam, because he's offering our friends and neighbors in the military as sacrifices to the god of ill-gotten, Reagan era foreign aid: namely, the rocket-propelled grenade deity.
The assholes in Washington blunder and fume and then fuck up royal, and all that happens is they blame the people whose bravery and sacrifice made it possible for fuckups like GW Bush to have the freedom to be a dumbass in the first place. Christ, how did he avoid being drowned at birth, as he would have been in any other nation on this earth?
The point is, Republicans have no values, no standards, and no shame. They are totally undermining not only their own people (the troops) but also AMERICA ITSELF, since the message they're sending is "This isn't our war. We could take it or leave it. We like it when the nation and its soldiers get attacked."
Real fucking smart, 'tards.
I'm about sick of this un-American bullshit. I think they ought to allow the boys in uniform to bring their weapons to these "pep rallies" (especially the ones with GW Pussyfat). Then we'll see how fucking glib Rumsfuck and the rest of the nutsuckers are.

Republicans: Pussies Destroying America while You Stand and Cheer