Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Castration: It's Better than Nothing

My brother-in-law, Greg (who has obviously not been paying attention to the "no readers" sign), informs me that Tom "Clutch Cargo" Ridge has waddled out of the Bushevik cabinet, color-coded chart in tow. When asked about the ridiculous system for advertising our national weakness level, Clutch apparently said in its defense, "Well, it's better than nothing."
To which Greg, a true American and possibly the best Rapid Response man in the South, says: "Yeah, that's like saying, 'When I'm really hungry, an eight-piece bucket of deep-fried shit is better than nothing.'"
Bravo, my brother. Bravo.

Other stuff that's better than nothing:
Golf club in thunderstorm
Coupon for one free chainsaw enema
Third testicle growing out of forehead