Saturday, November 27, 2004

Titnological Dickterminism?

It turns out that, contrary to popular belief, technology history does have merit. I know, I'm shocked, too!
The Chicago Levee, the early 20th century red-light district in the south Loop, closed down around 1912. The Chicago Vice Commission, composed of 30 prominent citizens, is widely credited with providing the impetus for this action with its widely-read report "The Social Evil in Chicago," which detailed the terrible conditions in the Levee, police malfeasance, and the enormous profits being made by pimps, landlords, and brothel owners.
But, it turns out, it's all a lie. According to historians Perry Duis and Richard John, the red-light district was dying out anyway, the victim of advances in technology. Levee districts had to be located near waterfronts or railway depots, to attract the maximum foot traffic. With the widespread availability of the automobile and prevalence of taxicabs, it became possible for brothels to move into the surrounding city and suburbs. Furthermore, the telephone made it economical to have "call girls" who stayed home by the phone, instead of living at a centralized bagnio.
So there you have it. Reform is for chumps. Just invent the problem away!
Anyway, vice moved into poorer, blacker neighborhoods after the Vice Commission made its report. No word yet from the technology camp about the ingenuity of that innovation.
Only historians could make sex disgusting and dull. Telephones. Jesus. Have you seen some of these guys? Oy.