Tuesday, October 07, 2008

MBA Dummies Aren't So Dumb?

The GOP is trying to change the subject from McCain's Keating Five involvement, but there's something that's true now that wasn't true 20 years ago: one-in-five college students is enrolled in a business, finance, accounting, or economics course. People between the ages of 18 and 35 are now, more than ever, more likely to have a professional knowledge of business and accounting. And those people, who may have been too young to remember Keating in the 1980s and 1990s, are interested in (and more important, can actually grasp and untangle) the whole story of McCain's influence-peddling.

Another bad day for McCain.

Tonight's debate prediction: it's a town hall-thing, with handpicked audience members and known, or at least obvious, questions. So, I'd say Obama tries to frame the conversation for the rest of the week around McCain's record of supporting Bush and his own failure to enact any real reform, particularly as related to the economy. I think McCain brings up the Ayers thing (huge mistake if he does) and I also think he gets testy, at least once, with a questioner and comes off as too-aggressive and not very open in his responses. In other words, bitter, angry, confused. I would not be surprised if McCain, in trying to attack Obama, in fact mistakenly directs his attack at the audience member who asked the question. Tom Brokaw will bring pompoms and a cheerleader outfit with a big "M" on it.