Monday, October 06, 2008

Need All the Help They Can Get?

The Obama people have their hands full just now with pushing back the McCain/Palin desperation ploy to repeat "Obama loves a terrorist!" every five seconds until Nov. 4. So, lots of left-leaning sites and speakers are encouraging us all to "keep working" for an Obama victory, despite everything that could possibly go right for him actually having gone right for him in the last month. Democratic Underground's hilarious Top Ten Conservative Idiots list this week even concluded with an exhortation that Obama "needs all the help he can get."

Well, it turns out that's not accurate. In fact, it's wrong. Obama has too much help, according to Did you catch that? Indiana, for example, has like 50 times more Obama field offices than McCain offices. And Obama's offices are full -- they're turning volunteers away. Lafayette, IN, has a separate call center and, in another building, a canvassing center. And, down the street, Purdue University has another, separate canvassing operation being run by the Students for Obama group. Over-over-over-saturation.

Obama-Biden: kicking so much ass they need less help than they can get.