Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OK, Let Me Clear Your Head

Not by punching it. Yet.

There are rumors on the internets from Republicans, coming out of the woodwork, telling all us hopeful, misguided Democrats that this year's presidential election is already stolen and so we needn't bother ourselves with it anymore.

Now, I know (because I watched it on TV) that the 2000 election was stolen. I also think, based on my own evaluation of it, that Ohio in 2004 was stolen and with it, the election.

What I'm saying is, I can see how some Democrats would be quick to accept that the fix is in this time, too.

But, neverminding that McCain does not command the same fanatical, self-interested organization that Bush did (I mean, correct me, but the Saudis aren't backing McCain, right? Or the oilmen in Texas? Or the tailings of the 1994 Republican Revolution?), you have to wonder just what good it does anyone for Republican partisans to start yelling about how it's all over already and only fools would still believe that we're going to have an election.

Let me propose something:

Only Republicans would say this. The only reason to say it is to demoralize Democrats so they stop working for an Obama victory.

I, for one, am not going to listen to anyone, much less a Republican operative, who tells me that democracy is dead, the election is a fraud, and Obama has already been robbed.

It's just a little too on-the-nose for all this hysteria to be ginned up just when Obama has taken a solid and beyond-the-margin-for-error lead in the national polls.

Wake the fuck up, people.


If you looked at the Spoonamore link above, you will have read that the GOP plans to steal the election by falsifying the vote, and that McCain is scheduled to "win" by 3 electoral votes.

However, if you play around with this map, you will quickly see that, even if you split NE and ME, it is impossible to win by 3. Can anyone figure this out?