Monday, September 15, 2008

The Strategy

Sarah Palin is a big nothing. Forget that she's a loser, a hypocrite, a hateful parasite on the corpse of the Republican Revolution. The truth is, she's nothing. No record. No positions that she can articulate, let alone defend. No ideas. Nothing behind the talking points -- scratch the surface and (contrary to the scum that I already wrote would come hissing forth in the form of scandal) what comes out is...blank stares. Stammering. Pathetic mewling and mealy-mouthed excuses.

And McCain owns her.

Obama is already refocusing, dragging with him a resistant but slowly-coming-around media, on McCain and his utter joke of a campaign.

The strategy is clear, especially for Joe Biden in the vice presidential debate. What he must do is explain, very directly and memorably, with no Edwardsian wind, what he and Obama will do. Then, he must tell the nation, in no uncertain terms, what a joke McCain is. Biden should draw upon his decades-long personal knowledge of McCain's actions to do this.

Then, he should turn the floor over to Palin and make her not only explain what she thinks the McCain platform is (and if her interviews thus far are any indication, she will inject her own wacky interpretation and get called on it), but also defend John McCain the politician -- the one Joe Biden and Barack Obama have been working with for years or even decades, and whom she barely just met two weeks ago.

Forget Palin. Fuck her and everything she represents -- it is so far afield to most Americans that they couldn't understand how monstrous her faith, her idea of public service, her family dynamics, or her worldview truly are. And that reflects well on ordinary Americans, that they don't believe in pure evil when they see it.

Make Palin talk about her new master, John McCain. That creature of pure ego will be unable to do it. Biden should destroy her, kindly, civilly, genteely, and completely. No accusations of being a "bad guy," or of "hitting a girl," or any of that. Just make her stick up for McCain in ways she obviously can't.

Should be fun.