Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Not Too Good

It's not too good when the Associated Press, which is now under the control of a man, Ron Fournier, who once volunteered to work without pay for the McCain campaign, calls your VP candidate "In a Bubble" and then sarcastically notes her shitty, ragged little conference with two second-rate world "leaders." Highlights: New York residents, unimpressed with Palin's motorcade blocking traffic, just walked around her car and paid no attention to her police escort. Also: according to Colombia's foreign minister, Palin "knows well" the economic crisis. Congratulations. She can apparently read a newspaper.

Also not too good is when Newsweek reports that the possible VP is "afraid to be in the same room as a reporter." I'm so glad the "grownups are back in charge." What a relief and a comfort to me in these crazy, dangerous times.

Finally, all the pictures of Sarah Palin over the last week have established beyond any doubt that the woman has big legs. And as we all learned from Led Zeppelin IV, big leg women ain't got no souls. The British would know.