Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fucking Right!

Thanks for the great line, Ray Whitney! (For the non-hockey fans, Whitney screamed "fucking right!" on camera while hoisting the Stanley Cup for the Carolina Hurricanes in 2006. NBC thereafter cut the audio for the rest of the Cup line.)

Media Matters does a great job of taking the mainstream press to the woodshed for creating the conditions that have led to the McCain-Palin blizzard of lies.


"Writing at his blog on the Atlantic website, James Fallows noted the similarities between Palin's Bridge to Nowhere fantasy and Hillary Clinton's snipers-in-Bosnia fa ntasy from the primary season. He wrote:

In Senator Clinton's case, the more often she repeated the story, the more relentlessly the press said the story was not true. All parts of the press did this: right, left, middle. They didn't say that there was a "controversy" about her story. They said it was false. And eventually she bowed to the inevitable and stopped telling the story any more.

Fallows actually soft-peddled the press' take on the Bosnia story. Because rather than simply "relentlessly" announcing the story was not true, lots of press players used the tall tale to emphasize that Clinton was craaaaazy. Hysterical. Irrational. Unhinged.

Perhaps that was the media's right. (Candidates roll out whoppers at their own peril.) But if the press thought Clinton's fabrication was telling about her character, why don't journalists make the same assumption about Palin, who keeps repeating her fabricated tale?"

Go, read and become smarter.