Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Something Old

Everyone should read this piece on the history of Sarah Palin. Forget her qualifications to be VP; she's over-qualified to be that asshole tyrant who managed you at the Dairy Queen in high school. She's a joke that has lost its humor and it's time for her to go away.

Incidentally, if McCain's shame from the Keating scandal is ignored, along with Palin's attempts to not just avoid but actually stop and erase an ethics investigation that is still in the questioning stages, then we -- Americans -- have effectively conceded that laws do not apply to elites. And here I thought we were all sick of Bush's contempt for the law, not to mention all forms of truth.

Palin's surrogates, and McCain's backers, are arguing that asking questions of two candidates for the White House constitutes both a deep personal insult to them and also violates some iron law that commands respect for such people in the form of silent awe. If you must write about McCain or Palin, gush.

This cannot happen. Politicians are not above the law, nor do most Americans think they should be (an important little fact if you want to reverse this McCain ploy). And, moreover, politicians have to answer questions as they relate to political service and activities while in office. I believe we all agree on these points.