Saturday, June 21, 2008

Blinders On!

Word on the street is that Sen. Jim Webb of Virginny is the frontrunner for VP on the Obama ticket. Typical short-sighted "strategy" from Democrats. This is, after all, a party that just laid down and took it in the ass for Bush's spying bill and gave immunity to telecoms just because "it's an election year!" Good work, Pelosi. As one lawyer remarked after the House vote, the passage of the bill "makes the judiciary the rubber-stamp for the administration." Nancy Pelosi, everyone! She, and her fawning, not-too-bright documentarian daughter (who was one of the first to become rapt with Bush's charm and wit!) can go fuck themselves. Here's hoping the plastic surgeon leaves the gas on next time, Nance.

Anyway, Webb would make a fine VP. He also would deflect the "lib-ruls is weak on deeeee-fense and luv turrists" saw that the Republicans are banking on this cycle. Of course, there is no real need for Webb except that Democrats mostly have no balls and can't speak the truth because their fucking idiotic purple prose gets in the way of good sense. Hey, silver tongue! Just answer the charge!

Let's say Webb accepts a VP slot. That would be stupid. He, like John Edwards and Al Gore before him, probably cannot deliver his own state in the general election. But more importantly, if Webb resigns his seat (because Obama would have to be a lot more inept than I think to lose to McCain), even if Mark Warner wins the open seat this time around, Webb's spot likely goes back to the GOP next election. Think about it: instead of having two Democratic Senators from Virginia, and a nice base to begin the takeback of the South over the coming generation, the Democrats take the short-term view and just hand the fucking region back to the Republicans so that Obama can look a very tiny bit stronger on defense.

I'll ask it again: who is in charge of the Democratic Party?