Thursday, February 15, 2007

If Gays Can't Stand the Heat...

...they should return their season tickets.

Tim Hardaway, former Miami Heat guard (and, speaking as a Jordan-era Bulls fan, in my opinion just about the dumbest fucker in the NBA in the last 20 years), has gone on record multiple times in the past week to let everyone know that he "hates gay people," "wouldn't speak to" a gay family member, and is "OK with" the suggestion that hating gays is like whites hating blacks.

You truly are an unforgivably stupid meat sock, Tim.

Unfortunately, Hardaway is retired, so he can't be directly punished for his hateful statements. But here's a guess: he will be awfully lonely during this weekend's All Star festivities in Las Vegas.

And just to remind everybody (and him, since he's probably a huge fan of mine): Tim Hardaway never won a championship and he wasn't even that good at basketball. It's called defense, Timmy. And if the laws in this country were what they ought to be, you'd need a good one to fend off all the lawsuits coming your way.

Here's a video clip of Little Timmy Thinks-He's-Special in action:

Thanks to Seth for the email.