Friday, October 27, 2006

We Believe in Ghosts

Last election, Kerry was going to win by about 4-5 million votes. Then, about 2 million people lost their right to vote just before the election--by which I mean that the voter rolls "lost" them.

Then, Karl Rove's army of 4 million evangelical zombies, tired of consuming brains and out on a bit of a holiday, descended on the polls and crazy-voted their boy George to victory.

But that's total bullshit. And yet, who has said that there can't possibly be 4 million zealots in this country who have never voted before, and who can be magically summoned at the 11th hour only that one time, and then disappear never to be seen again? Why hasn't Dobson's ministry grown by 4 million? Why hasn't the Republican Party mailing list grown (it's actually shrinking) by 4 million? Where did they go?

They never existed, obviously. Voter fraud has never been so obvious, and yet the media has been pushing the phantom voter thesis for 2 years, as Rove has been feeding it with all manner of ridiculous claims. I suppose that for a nation that in the main actually does believe in a spirit in the sky it isn't so far-fetched to also accept that millions of people felt the call of secular politics--and were in fact swayed to come to the polls by a big fat blob of cynical, anti-Christian puke like Rove--and then went away without a peep.

The goddamn scenario the White House came up with is laughable and always has been. Where are those God nuts now, Karl? Why are you so far behind in the polls, Karl? Do they not own telephones or televisions, or get the mail, Karl? Why aren't actual reporters asking you these questions, Karl? FUCK!