Friday, October 13, 2006

I read a poll, now I understand the South

Or so says this douche.

So an NC State poll says southerners are "very sad" (what the fuck kind of question was that??) about the war. Well, gee. Hard to figure, seeing as how all those military bases are in the South and are such a large part of the regional culture and economy--not to mention they symbolize the only way up or out for many--and so many southerners join the service and, you know, have family and friends who worry about them. Yeah, I'm scratching my head fucking bloody over this tough little nut.

There's apparently a newly-created "anti-war South" that just sits there, waiting for the Democrats to exploit it for votes. Amazing what you can find out from one little poll. The poll didn't say anything, though, about making the Democratic Party inclusive of evangelicals and rednecks, so let's just assume all these anti-war folks are like you and me, reasonable and progressive, and they just happen to be caught in the tarpit of stupid that is everything below the Mason-Dixon.