Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Judge (MILITARY Judge, no less!) Refuses to Play Along

The judge at Lynndie England's tribunal has rejected her guilty plea, saying that he isn't sure she knew what she was doing was wrong. So, I'm thinking this means that somebody else needs to step up and take the fall for this, because this particular judge doesn't seem to be buying the "a few bad apples did it all" bit from the DOD. Try again, scumbags.

"You can't have a one-person conspiracy," said the judge, noting that England's statements did not match up with those of her superior officer/boyfriend/baby daddy, Charles Graner. Graner has always maintained, quite correctly no doubt, that he acted on orders from on high to abuse prisoners. He would seem to have lots of support for his allegations that the US military has a policy of abuse in the myriad incidents in US military prisons in Iraq, Cuba, and Afghanistan. Surely, one might ask, Graner and England didn't work at every American detention facility in the world last year?

Carry on, lady Justice, carry on. Nothing to see here but some patsies.

I can't help but think that the reason Alberto Gonzales and Donald Rumsfeld aren't at all disturbed by the Abu-Ghraib scandal is because they really don't see it as abuse. After all, they have to pay a beltway dominatrix $400-500 an hour for that kind of thing. I also hear Rumsfeld likes the black strap-on. Think about that next time your in the mood.