Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Why America is #3

Inefficient sidewalk management. In Chicago, in New York, in any place with plenty of people who walk, you'll see hordes of folks meandering down the sidewalk as if they had nowhere else to go. And right behind them, you'll see people like me, impatient and growing more so every second; trying to slip past the dawdling retards but foiled at the last second by an unsignaled direction change, a stagger, or--worse--another wayward idiot coming from the opposite direction. This is not just frustrating, it's enough to make murder an open question.

That phenomenon is what keeps the US behind Europe and Japan (and falling further back every year): the reckless, selfish consumption of public space. In a word: inefficient sidewalk management, or ISM. Damn them. Damn them all.

And Republicans, too.