Thursday, March 17, 2005

David Horowitz and the Mighty Bitchslap of the Truth

"Right-wing activist David Horowitz, the president of Students for Academic Freedom (SAF), which purports to fight anti-conservative bias on the nation's college campuses, has admitted that a story highly publicized by his group concerning alleged events at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) "appears to be wrong," and that "our presentation of this case appears now to have had several faults." Horowitz made the concession in an article posted on, his online magazine, on March 15, under the headline, "Correction: Some of Our Facts Were Wrong, But Our Point Was Right.""

Hmm. OK, Dave, whatever you say (author makes jerking-off motion with both hands).

See, the problem here isn't that Horowitz and his trolls are a bunch of liars. It isn't that Horowitz feels like he can just make shit up and then pretend that he was trying to teach us dummies an allegorical lesson. It isn't even that he hates America (though clearly, he does).

No, it's that he is in a position to interact with our children. Just as college professors shouldn't be allowed to sermonize in class, Horowitz and his Students for Academic Freedom cannot be allowed to take their personal biases and fabricate stories to make "liberals" look bad. That's not just an attempt to rile up the gullible, it's immoral and it's the exact opposite of "academic freedom". LYING, that is, is antithetical to learning. DISINFORMATION is the opposite of truth. PROPAGANDA is the enemy of freedom. This doesn't seem that hard to grasp, but apparently the turdchuckers on the other side don't get it. I wonder why. Maybe they ought to spend more time in class, listening to the "stupid" "liberal" profs, and a little less time hanging out with that creep,* David Horowitz.

*Edited for content. "getting their anuses diddled" just doesn't make sense. I think I meant to suggest the perversity of a grown man who likes to hang out with young kids and who seems to take unusual satisfaction and validation in using people much younger than himself. Kind of like a sexual predator. But of course I do not mean to suggest that Horowitz has ever actually been a pedophile. Merely that he's creepy.