Friday, March 25, 2005

This is Ridiculous. If You're Reading this, You Owe Me $50...

Why is anyone even discussing this bullshit attempt to privatize Social Security in terms of its details? I got lots of liberal websites that are in a tizzy over whether dumb people can manage their own accounts, whether we're being racists if we show concern for others' ability to invest wisely (don't fall for that guilty pile of steaming horseshit), whether there will be choice in the plans offered, whether people can opt out, whether stocks and bonds are safe enough, blah, blah, blah.

There is only one thing anyone needs to know about this plan. It is this: the only reason this idea has come this far is because investment houses and a select few very wealthy people stand to make a ton of money off of you in the form of handling fees and commissions. That's it. Nothing further need be known. That's the whole sorry bung in the cask of privatization. If we just worry at it awhile, it will pop out and the rest of the nonsense inside will go down the drain. Bad metaphor?

If you want to be a patsy, and give most of your money to a broker (and really, who trusts brokers? These are the guys who told you that Amazon stock could keep going up indefinitely), then you want privatization. If you like to fund Chase Manhattan, Smith Barney, Merrill Lynch, and the like, then this plan is for you. I would be amazed, though, if you didn't also just run down the street throwing money in the air. You obviously have no need of it, and you are just that dumb.

If, on the other hand, you like the idea that the government provides the goods and services that ensure continued prosperity and a decent standard of living for most people (what--you think markets create and regulate themselves??), then fight this one with any weapon at hand. This is going to bankrupt us as a nation, while a few greedy fucks get richer. What I have yet to figure out is why they think all that money will be worth anything when the country descends into financial ruin. You can bet I'll save enough to buy a 2x4 with a nail through it, and together we can chase those fat bastards down on the day of reckoning.