Friday, February 04, 2005

Coach D'oh! taking his Meds, wants back in...

So, check this out. What to feel in this situation? He did fuck up NC basketball royally, but he also played with Jordan in '82. So...many...conflicting...emotions. Ah, fuck it. You know what? Just like when my pops said Tommy Amaker should take the UNC coaching job because he would try to gut Coach K, so too Doherty ought to look into the NC State job (oh, it will be available next year) and go after Roy Williams and the Tar Heels. Nothing says blood feud like a native son scorned. I don't know if the Pack would get the better of the series, but those games would be a hell of a lot of fun to watch. Besides, he got a raw deal in some ways, and the UNC/State rivalry needs some rejuvenation (see, for example, the drubbing UNC put on the Pack yesterday).
God I love (some) sports.