Monday, January 24, 2005

Idle Minds, Idle Feet

Why would America's founders have settled in some of the least desireable areas the whole country has to offer? When I see a homeless person in Chicago, or NY, or DC, I always wonder, "Why don't you just start walking South?" Not to suggest that homelessness can be remedied by migration, but freezing to death can be. Similarly, I wonder why, in light of Massachusetts' horrific winters, Virginia's slightly less-crappy winters (but far more brutal summers), and the obviously warmer Caribbean climate, the English didn't head South. What the bizzalls were they thinking? Moreover, why do the majority of Americans STILL live in the Northeast and Midwest? The climate is fanfuckingtastically bad. Also, the people are fat, to a man. Is manliness (and, I suppose, womanliness) so integrally tied to triumph over nature? Is it sane for people to welcome misery for five months out of the year just so they can say that they are survivors?

John Winthrop was a dick. Same for John Smith.