Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sorry, Uncle Ben: Meet Uncle Tom's Rice

All-around race traitor and cocksucking whore Conndododol%&eeeezzzzzzZZaaaee#@ Rice began her confirmation hearing today, and she started it off in uber-Bitch mode, as usual.
"Please don't impugn my integrity," she barked at Barbara Boxer. She then added, "I am doing just fine on my own, thank you."
Rice then proceeded to steamroll a bunch of weak-kneed Democrat faggots before triumphally announcing that her reign would be one of vengeance and wrath, yadda, yadda, yadda. Rice wore a blazer made of frizzled Iraqi scrotums to the hearing, accessorized nicely by a smart-looking pair of boots made from Arab baby skin, and a necklace of human ears.
In a final indignity, Rice insulted the intelligence of everyone within earshot by attempting to keep herself relevant by declaring that her former bailiwick, Russia, was the key to understanding and achieving world harmony and stability.
No, you dumb bitch. CHINA. NORTH KOREA. EUROPE.
This step-n-fetchit minstrel is so fucking stupid she would whistle Dixie in front of a lynch mob. If the Senate had anyone with a pair of balls on the hearing committee, that's exactly what would have happened today. And come sundown, there would have been one less asslicking toady on the public payroll; the collective IQ in Washington would have gone up 3 or 4 points; and "Con#d$i" could have been safely back in California, consoling herself by being the centerpiece of a "Schwarzenegger and friends" group-grope.