Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Big Day

It's a big day here in Chicago. Tonight, there is a big fucking rally downtown for Obama, win or lose. We somehow got tickets, so we'll be in the lucky cattle-pen area surrounded by a million+ mob. It will likely be the most historic thing I'll ever attend. Given the sheer numbers of people in such a small area, we don't expect to make it out before the early morning hours tomorrow (fortunately, we can walk the 4 miles home if need be).

Truly, this is a fulcrum in time. If, as expected, Obama wins, this will mark for many people a point when they come again to be fully in control of their lives. There is some sense that we've all lost over the last 8 years an intangible, immeasurable component of ourselves and of our ability to direct ourselves. We can regain that, though likely only a damaged or partial form of it, tonight and in January. For every American citizen under the age of, say, 10, they will have a chance to grow up in a nation that does not prey upon the fears in their minds or seek to mold them into amoral consumers, first and foremost.

If somehow tonight does not bring the news we expect, then the end is nigh.