Sunday, April 15, 2007

Grownups are back, in charge

...or so says the New York Times.

The problem is, the grownups are complete and utter shit-for-brains retarded.

Letter to the editor (from the Cato Institute!):

"David Leonhardt’s review of Brian Doherty’s “Radicals for Capitalism” ( April 1) was very economical with the truth, claiming that the Cato Institute is “struggling to persuade people that global warming — the archetypal free-market failure — is a hoax.”

In fact, the climatologist Pat Michaels, a scholar at Cato and at the University of Virginia, acknowledges that the earth is warming and that human activity is partly responsible, but he maintains the warming is almost certainly not going to be as disastrous as has been argued by some."

Article about anti-Gore film:

“I don’t know how much of the enemy we have here tonight,” said a smiling Mr. Hayward, a resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, based in Washington. “San Francisco is usually a target-rich environment.”

...“I agree that we’re warming,” he told a reporter, “and I agree that we’re playing a role in it. What I disagree with is (Gore's) overall pessimism.”

So there you have it, world. Rather than sticking to the tactic that ain't working ("la la la laaaa, I can't heaaaaaaar yoooooouuu!!!! Nyah, nyah!!"), conservatives have opted to go back to the old saw that supposedly helped elect the polluters' best friend, GW Bush: we're grownups and we'll handle it from here!

See, they hear you, man. They know it's getting hotter. But just rest your pretty little head, because they'll make it all better. Somehow. By acknowledging the problem but not the consequences.

Very mature. You're killing us all, you fucktards.