Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mini-Review: Racist Yahoo!

Oh, Yahoo! I was going to skewer you for your hopelessly outdated, goofy-looking cartoonish email interface, with which you are apparently trying to force-infantilize every adult using your "service." I was also going to rip on your for making people click no less than four times just to check one lousy email.

But instead, I'll review your apparent racial views, as expressed on the homepage displayed at 8:30 this morning when I turned on the computer:

The picture had this script next to it:

"What message you sending?

Find out what your body language at the office says about you, and how to use it to your advantage.

More advice on succeeding at work..."

Yes, I believe one WOULD be very successful at any job so long as one was aware of one's body language. And, also, if that same big-mouf mofo' wuz awarrr uh th' message he sendin'. Fool!

For this bit of racial buffoonery, I give myself an A+. Yahoo!, which ought to know better, I give an F+, which, as anyone who has ever majored in "body language" in college will tell you, is the "high F."