Friday, June 03, 2005

Dispatch from the Class War

Both sides of the aisle wax flaccid when dealing with, or more accurately, refusing to acknowledge, structured inequality and class barriers. The Bush administration, amidst their orgasmic continuance of the trend to shift the common wealth upwards, not to mention pissing a good portion of it away on spreading freedom and liberty, er, bedlam and seeds of terrorism, hands us workers the simple solution – if you don't make a living wage and don't have benefits like health insurance, get a better job. What a revolutionary concept; us dumbass blue collars were too busy watchin' the race and listenin' to Toby Keith to think of that.

These "better jobs," of course, require some that higher learnin' stuff. If this is the solution to our "improving" economy, why do they keep building walls to prevent us from getting there?

The new Bush budget "would cut 48 education programs totaling $4.3 billion, including $2.2 billion for high school programs, mostly state grants for vocational education . . . $500 million in education technology state grants, $225 million for the Even Start literacy program, $280 million for Upward Bound programs for inner-city youths . . ."

Further, tuition is going bat shit crazy across the U.S. – mine has increased 30% in 3 years. And now, the 4 year institution I plan to transfer to has decided to require that all students have health insurance. So basically, if you're going to college to get a job with benefits like health insurance so you can, you know, participate in the "ownership society" and start a family and not subject them to abject poverty, fuck you. You can't go to school now if you don't have health insurance. Way to go, UNCC. Who gives a fuck if the professors are talking about class conflict; apparently the administrators are on the wrong side of the goddamned class war. But I should expect nothing more from a post-war redneck boomtown that has the pulsating cock of Bank of America firmly wedged in her mouth . . .